Probability and Bayes Rule


December 29, 2022


This is the first of a series of posts going over the basics of Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference uses Bayes rule which comes from simple algebra of basic probability rules. In this post we’ll look at the basic rules of probability and derive Bayes rule. We’ll look at a couple of simple examples to see how Bayes rule works.


There’s a little bit of R code in this post and I’m using the new native R pipe |>. If you’re used to tidyverse semantics you might think that |> behaves like the magrittr pipe, %>% but it doesn’t! But it can (mostly) be used in the same way. See here for more details.

On the way to Bayes rule

The grade classifications for a course I taught in my previous job are shown in the table below. The course was taken by students across two programmes.

Table 1: Grade classification by programme.
Grade SES SS
1 10 3
2.1 20 6
2.2 11 15
3 4 20

Tables like this are called contingency tables and they are used to summarise the relationship between two (or more) categorical variables. We can create contingency tables in R.

# dimnames is a list; rownames then colnames; |> is native R pipe; pipe matrix to as.table func
grade_table <- matrix(c(10,20,11,4,3,6,15,20), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE, 
              dimnames = list(c("1", "2.1", "2.2", "3"), c("SES", "SS"))) |> 
    SES SS
1    10  3
2.1  20  6
2.2  11 15
3     4 20

We can use contingency tables to calculate different types of probabilities.

Marginal probabilities

The row and column totals for each variable in the table are called the marginal totals.

Table 2. Grade classifications with marginal totals
Grade SES SS Marginal Total
1 10 3 13
2.1 20 6 26
2.2 11 15 26
3 4 20 24
Marginal Total 45 44 89

We can get R to add marginal totals to contingency tables for us.

grade_table_marginals <- grade_table |> 
    SES SS Sum
1    10  3  13
2.1  20  6  26
2.2  11 15  26
3     4 20  24
Sum  45 44  89

The marginal totals can be used to calculate marginal probabilities by dividing the marginal total for a row or column by the grand total. We denote marginal probabilities as \(P(A)\) where \(A\) is some outcome.

For example the marginal probability of students getting a 2.1 is the marginal number of students who got a 2.1 (26) divided by the total number of students in the course (89).

\[ P(2.1) = \textcolor{#00BFFF}{26}/\textcolor{#00008B}{89} = 0.29 \]

Table 3. Numbers involved in marginal probabilities are coloured.
Grade SES SS Marginal Total
1 10 3 13
2.1 20 6 26
2.2 11 15 26
3 4 20 24
Marginal Total 45 44 89

We see that \(P(2.1)\) is 29%.

Joint probabilties

The probability of two (or more) outcomes considered together is called a joint probability.

For events \(A\) and \(B\) joint probabilities are often written as \(P(A \text{ } and \text{ } B)\) or \(P(A, \text{ } B)\).

To calculate joint probability we divide the number of outcomes that fulfill a specific criteria by the grand total.

Here an example might be:

\[ P(2.1 \text{ and } SES) \]

We can calculate this probability from the total number of SES students who got a 2.1 classification (20) divided by the total number of students (89).

\[ P(2.1 \text{ and } SES) = \textcolor{#00BFFF}{20}/\textcolor{#00008B}{89} = 0.225 \]

Table 4. Numbers involved in joint probabilities are coloured.
Grade SES SS Marginal Total
1 10 3 13
2.1 20 6 26
2.2 11 15 26
3 4 20 24
Marginal Total 45 44 89

We see that the joint probability of 2.1 and being on the SES programme is 22.5%.

For joint probabilities the order of the outcomes doesn’t matter.

\(P(A \text{ and } B)\) = \(P(B \text{ and } A)\)

In R the prop.table() function can convert a contingency table of raw numbers to a table of joint probabilities.

grade_probs <- grade_table |> 
  prop.table() |>
  addmargins() |> # add marginal totals
  round(3) # round to 3dp

      SES    SS   Sum
1   0.112 0.034 0.146
2.1 0.225 0.067 0.292
2.2 0.124 0.169 0.292
3   0.045 0.225 0.270
Sum 0.506 0.494 1.000

Key to both marginal and joint probability is that we use the grand total as the denominator to calculate these probabilities.

Conditional probabilities

Conditional probability is the probability of an event or outcome occurring given some other event or outcome has already occurred or is in place.

We denote conditional probabilities as \(P(outcome | condition)\).

We can read this as “The probability that outcome occurs given condition is in place”.

We might ask “What’s the probability of a 2.1 mark given the student is in the SES programme?” We’d denote that as:

\[ P(2.1|SES) \]

Table 5. When we calculate conditional probabilities we restrict ourselves to one row or column (here coloured) of a contingency table.
Grade SES SS Marginal Total
1 10 3 13
2.1 20 6 26
2.2 11 15 26
3 4 20 24
Marginal Total 45 44 89

If we look in the SES column we see 20 students got a 2.1 classification. There were a total of 45 SES students so \(P(2.1|SES)\) is 20/45 or 0.444 or 44.4%.

The general formula for conditional probability is:

\[ P(A|B) = \frac{P(A\text{ and }B)}{P(B)} \]

Let’s see this at work for \(P(2.1 | SES)\).

The joint probability - \(P(2.1 \text{ and } SES)\) - is 20/89 = 0.225.

The marginal probability of SES - \(P(SES)\) - is 45/89 = 0.506.

The conditional probability of 2.1 given SES (\(P(2.1 | SES)\)) is therefore 0.225/0.506 = 0.444; exactly the same as before.

Importantly \(P(A|B) \neq P(B|A)\).

Examining our contingency table we saw that \(P(2.1|SES)\) was 0.444.

However this is not the same as \(P(SES|2.1) = \frac{P(2.1 \text{ and } SES)}{P(2.1)}\) = [(20/89) / (26/89)] = 0.77.


Key to conditional probability calculations using a contingency table is that we are restricting ourselves to one row or column of the table.

The General Multiplication rule

We can rearrange the equation for conditional probability to get the General Multiplication Rule for calculating the joint probability of A and B.

\[ P(A \text{ and } B) = P(A|B)P(B) \]

This is useful if we are not given the joint probability for some outcome.

Maybe we only know that 50.6% of students on the module are on the SES programme and that if a student was on the SES programme the probability of a 2.1. was 44.4%.

We can use this information to work back to the joint probability, \(P(2.1 \text{ and } SES\)) using the formula above.

\(P(2.1 \text{ and } SES) = P(2.1|SES)P(SES))\) = 0.444 * 0.506 = 0.225 - i.e. 22.5% as before.

Bayes rule

Figure 1. (Probably not) Thomas Bayes 1701-1761

Thomas Bayes was a Presbyterian minister & philosopher. Although this portrait is universally used to portray Bayes it is probably not his portrait. The probability rule we call Bayes rule was published after Bayes’ death by his friend Richard Price in ‘An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances’ in 1763.

We are often given conditional probabilities like \(P(2.1 | SES)\) and we actually want the inverse conditional probability, \(P(SES|2.1)\). As we noted above these are not the same probabilities!

Bayes rule allows us to invert conditional probabilities.

We know from above that:

  • \(P(A \text{ and } B) = P(A|B)P(B)\)

  • \(P(B \text{ and } A) = P(B|A)P(A)\)

We also know that the order of \(A\) and \(B\) in joint probability doesn’t matter:

\(P(A \text{ and } B) = P(B \text{ and } A)\)

This means that:

\[ P(B|A)P(A) = P(A|B)P(B) \]

If we divide through by \(P(A)\) we get:

\[ P(B|A) = \frac{P(A|B)P(B)}{P(A)} \]

This is exactly Bayes rule!

If we know \(P(A|B)\) and the marginal probabilities, \(P(A)\) and \(P(B)\) we can get to \(P(B|A)\) by applying Bayes rule.

Suppose we know that \(P(2.1|SES)\) is 0.444 and we know the marginal probabilities of \(P(2.1)\) (0.29) and \(P(SES)\) (0.506).

Using Bayes rule we can easily calculate the inverse conditional probability \(P(SES|2.1)\):

\[ P(SES|2.1) = \frac{0.444 \times 0.506}{0.29} = 0.77 \]

This is the same result we got above.

Components of Bayes rule

Each part of Bayes rule has a name.

In the numerator \(P(A|B)\) is the likelihood and \(P(B)\) is the prior. The denominator, \(P(A)\) is the marginal probability of A and is also called the evidence. The left hand probability, \(P(B|A)\) is called the posterior.

Figure 2. The components of Bayes rule.

Being able to go from \(P(A|B)\) to \(P(B|A\)) might seem trivial but it turns out to be really useful.

Simple Application of Bayes rule

A classic application of Bayes rule is calculating the probability of actually having a disease after a positive test for that disease knowing only:

  • The test result
  • The disease prevalence rate i.e. the probability of getting the disease
  • The true positive rate of the test (sensitivity) i.e. the probability the test is positive if you have the disease
  • The true negative rate of the test (specificity) i.e. the probability the test is negative if you do not have the disease

While I was writing this the COVID-19 prevalence (by positive test) for my age group where I live was 8.8% (\(P(COVID)\) = 0.088). It was also the beginning of winter so the flu season was starting up.

Suppose I start feeling unwell and decide to take a lateral flow test to see if I have COVID-19 as opposed to flu (or hopefully just a cold). Lateral flow device true positive rate (\(P(+ve|COVID)\)) seems to be pretty good but the true negative rate (\(P(-ve|no \text{ } COVID)\)) seems to be much more variable e.g. Mistry et al. (2021). Let’s say the test I use has a true positive rate of 99% and a true negative rate of 85%.

If I take the test and get a positive result there is a 99% probability the test is correct if I have COVID-19 i.e. \(P(+ve|COVID) = 0.99\)… but this is not what I want to know. If I already knew I had COVID why bother with a test 🤡

What I actually want to know is \(P(COVID|+ve)\) i.e. the probability I actually have COVID given the test is positive.

Bayes rule can get us there.

\[ P(COVID|+ve) = \frac{P(+ve|COVID)P(COVID)}{P(+ve)} \]

The numerator is easy from the information we have.

  • Likelihood = \(P(+ve|COVID) = 0.99\) i.e. true positive rate
  • Prior = \(P(COVID) = 0.088\) i.e. COVID prevalence

The denominator is the sum of the joint probabilities for getting a positive test and there are two ways I can get a positive test.

  • Either I have COVID and the test is positive:

\(P(+ve \text{ and } COVID)\) = \(P(+ve|COVID)P(COVID)\) = 0.99 x 0.088 = 0.08712.

Note that this is the same as the numerator; we just applied the general multiplication rule to get a joint probability.

  • Alternatively I can get a false positive result i.e. I do not have COVID but the test is positive anyway.

Given the COVID-19 prevalence rate the probability I do not have COVID is 1-0.088 = 0.912.

The test has a false positive rate of 1-0.85 = 0.15.

The joint probability of a positive test and no COVID, \(P(+ve \text{ and } not \text{ } COVID)\) is therefore 0.912 x 0.15 = 0.1368.

The denominator for Bayes rule (here \(P(+ve)\)) is the sum of these two joint probabilities = \(0.08712 + 0.1368\).

Putting all this together in Bayes rule gives us:

\[ P(COVID|+ve) = \frac{P(+ve|COVID)P(COVID)}{P(+ve)} \] \[ P(COVID|+ve) = \frac{0.99 \times 0.088}{0.08712+0.1368} \] \[ P(COVID|+ve) = \frac{0.08712}{0.2239} \] \[ P(COVID|+ve) = 0.3891 \]

So given current prevalence and information about the accuracy of the test there is an approximately 39% chance I actually have COVID after a positive lateral flow test.

We could write a little function to calculate this in R.

# function takes sensitivity, specificity & prevalence
bayes_calc <- function(sens, spec, prevalance){
  # calc numerator
  numerator = sens*prevalance
  # calc denom
  denominator = numerator + ((1-spec) * (1-prevalance))
  # calc prob of disease
  probDisease = numerator / denominator

Using this with the figures above for COVID testing gives us:

prob_pos <- bayes_calc(0.99, 0.85, 0.088)
[1] 0.3890675

Exactly the same result we got from our manual calculation.


Bayes rule is a conditional probability and is derived from simple algebra of established probability rules. Bayes rule allows us to invert conditional probabilities. This in turn can help us address questions like “What’s the probability I have the disease if the test is positive?” rather than simply knowing the probability the test result is right if I have the disease. Questions like the former are often what we really need answers to!

Bayes rule may seem pretty trivial but it is in fact extremely useful. In the examples above the probabilities we used were point probabilities i.e. single numbers but Bayes rule can be used with full probability distributions as well. In the next few posts we’ll explore how using Bayes rule with probability distributions can help us calculate the probability of hypotheses and models as well as estimate effect sizes in statistical analysis. This is where Bayes rule is really useful!


Mistry, Dylan A., Jenny Y. Wang, Mika-Erik Moeser, Thomas Starkey, and Lennard Y. W. Lee. 2021. “A Systematic Review of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Lateral Flow Devices in the Detection of SARS-CoV-2.” BMC Infectious Diseases 21 (1): 828.